Association des Centers Culturels de Rencontre
The Potlach Theater, a center of applied theater sciences in the field of theatrical research, training, experimentation and the international circulation of interdisciplinary artistic projects, has been a member of the ACCR (Association des Centers Culturels de Rencontre) since 2003. The ACCR (Association des Centers Culturels de Rencontre), was created in France in 1973 and recognized as a registered charity ten years later. In 2021, the ACCR brings together 20 French members and around 20 members from the rest of the world, around a common issue: the double valorisation of a heritage site together with an artistic and cultural project. As heritage sites dedicated to innovative artistic, cultural and scientific projects, members of the network are heavily involved in promoting the cultural sector, education and regional development issues. As recipients of the state label "Centre Culturel de Rencontre" (now "Heritage Site for Culture" in English), they and the ACCR benefit from support from the French Ministry of Culture. The ACCR is responsible for coordinating the network in France and its development internationally. The reflections addressed by the network include the issues of territorial development, cultural transmission, professional integration, technological innovation, sustainable development, tourism and creative businesses, offering an innovative vision of heritage promotion._11100000-0000- 0000-0000-000000000111_ The network therefore allows its members to address cultural development issues and establish numerous common partnerships. Through the coordination and implementation of shared activities and programs, the network of “Centres Culturels de Rencontre” also offers artists and researchers to multiply opportunities, to valorise their work and to promote their works both on a national or world.